Ginger, chilli & lemon switchel

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Switchel dates back to the 17th century, and was consumed by farmers in America to rehydrate them during a hard day’s work. Back then it was called “haymaker’s punch”. They mentioned it in Little House on the prairie.

Ours is an all natural, sugar free, salt free, fat free 100% organic, botanical infused apple cider vinegar. We recommend taking this after exercise and to help with the recovery of a hangover.

Switchel is so much better for you than sugar and salt laden mass produced drinks. It is an easy to make, low calorie drink.

Add one or two tablespoons to water or green tea. Make it up at home, and take it to the gym. It’s great to help speed up the recovery of your hangover.

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This is a great antioxidant, jam packed with all organic ingredients. Apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger, fresh red chillis and lemons. Sweetened with treacle, which is naturally rich in antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitaminB6. As such, it may relieve constipation, help treat anemia, and support bone and hair health.

Helping replenish any lost electrolytes. Electrolytes help your body regulate chemical reactions, and maintain the balance between fluids inside and outside your cells, and more.

Ginger is a known stomach settler. It can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. Help reduce wear and tear on cells. Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers grow too high.

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, which helps protect cells from damage. Vitamin C also helps your body make collagen for your skin, helps your body absorb iron, and supports your immune system.

Chillis (capsaicin) boost the immune system , helping fight colds, flu and fungal infectionsReduces risk of type 2 diabetes. They can improve eye health, good for healthy hair and skin, promotes red blood cell growth, prevents allergies, reduces cancer risk, prevents bad breath, helps with skin conditions, reduces joint pain, helps migraines, Can keep your heart healthy, soothes the digestive tract/ulcers/upset tummy. Improves metabolism and reduces inflammation.

The live active cultures in the apple cider vinegar are very important. Our product has not been pasteurised, it is 100% untouched, and has had no chemicals near it.